Terms of service

Last modified: 1.08.2024

Effective  1 August, 2024

Thank You for using our services. The website https://addressinestonia.com/ (hereinafter Website) is administrated and services are provided by Dalanta OÜ, a company incorporated and operating under the laws of the Republic of Estonia, registry code 14330221 and located Harju maakond, Tallinn, Pärnu mnt 105, 11312, e-mail info@dalanta.ee.

1.   Services

1.1.       Dalanta OÜ offers legal address and contact person and company formation services to the Customers (hereinafter Service or Services).  The descriptions of the Services are provided on the Website. Services can be ordered via e-mail, web inquiry or on the Website.

1.2.       By ordering our Services, the Customer is agreeing to these terms.

1.3.       Dalanta OÜ and the Customer (hereinafter referred together as the Parties) deem the Contract valid as of the moment of signature of the Contract or by paying for the Services.

1.4.       Due to Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Act Dalanta OÜ does not provide Services to: 

*persons included in the international sanctions list (https://www.sanctionsmap.eu/);

*residents and citizens from the FATF monitored countries (http://www.fatf-gafi.org/publications/high-risk-and-other-monitored-jurisdictions/)

*residents from high-risk counties (http://www.fatf-gafi.org/countries/#high-risk)

 *politically exposed persons their family members or close colleagues.

1.5.       By ordering Service or Services the Customer confirm that he/she is not qualify to be a person listed in 1.4. 

2.   The fee

2.1.       The Customer shall pay to Dalanta OÜ for the provision of the Service the fee of based on the price list provided on the Website or according to contract (hereinafter the Fee). The Fee is not inclusive of value added tax. 

2.2.       The Customer shall pay the Fee to Dalanta OÜ based on the invoices submitted by Dalanta OÜ. Dalanta OÜ shall specify on the invoices issued the operations included in the Service and performed in the period for which the invoice is issued, the amount thereof, and the amount of the Fee due

2.3.       The Customer can paid for services by Visa, Mastercard credit cards or by Estonian bank links provided by AS Maksekeskus. The payments are accepted in Euros only.

2.4. Dalanta OÜ shall forward the personal data necessary for the execution of payments to the data processors AS Maksekeskus

2.5.       If the Customer fails to pay the Fee in a timely manner, Dalanta OÜ may claim from the Customer an interest on arrears of 0,05 percent of the overdue amount per day for each day of the delay.

2.6.       Dalanta OÜ has the right to unilaterally amend the price list of the Services. The Customer is notified of the amendments via e-mail at least one calendar month in advance. The Customer is deemed to have accepted the amendments if it does not inform Dalanta OÜ of not accepting the amendments within 14 days. If the Customer refuses to accept the amendments, the Customer has the right to terminate the Contract of service, notifying Dalanta OÜ about this at least 7 days in advance by email.

3.   The rights and obligations of Dalanta OÜ

3.1.       Dalanta OÜ may not transfer the rights and obligations arising from the Contract to a third party without the Customer’s prior written consent.

3.2.       Dalanta OÜ shall refrain from disclosing to third parties any information about the Contracting Entity’s commercial activities obtained in the course of the provision of the Service without the Contracting Entity’s prior written consent. The prohibition on disclosure of information is applicable without a term and will remain applicable after the expiry or termination of the Contract.

3.3.       Dalanta OÜ keeps confidential information received from the Customer and may forward the confidential information to the authorities without approval of the Customer for complying with the disclosure obligation arising from the law.

4.   The rights and obligations of the Customer

4.1.       The Customer has the right to use the Services according to the terms of Services and service description.

4.2.       The Customer undertakes to refrain from using Services for an illegal or immoral purpose, including for the purpose of fraud, sending or storing illegal material.

4.3.       The Customer shall submit to Dalanta OÜ the documents and information required for the provision of the Service. The Customer shall ensure the accuracy of the documents and information submitted. If necessary, handing over of the documents may be documented.

4.4.       The Customer is obligated to inform Dalanta OÜ of the changes of contact information within 7 days.

4.5.        The Client does not have the right to assign this Contract, resell the Services or give for third parties to use.

4.6        Due to the requirements established by the Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Prevention Act, the Client must fulfil the KYC requirements when prompted to do so and provide all requested information immediately after ordering the Services. 

5.   Force majeure

5.1.       The Parties are partly or fully exempted from the obligation to perform their duties arising from and related to this Contract if performance of the duties is prevented by force majeure. Thereat, the Parties shall implement all measures to prevent causing damage to the other Party and to ensure performance of the Contract in the maximum extent possible. The Party which would like to refer to a force majeure event to be exempted from the liability for failure to perform or improper performance of an obligation arising from the law and/or established in the Contract shall prove the occurrence of the force majeure event. For the purposes of the Contract, changes in the financial situation of a Party, poor weather conditions, increases in the wages, holidays, bankruptcy or bankruptcy cautions, or securing of an action are not deemed force majeure. The Parties shall interpret the concept of force majeure on the basis of the provisions of the Law of Obligations Act.

5.2.       The other Party shall be immediately notified of occurrence of a force majeure event in writing.

5.3.       In the event of occurrence of a force majeure event, the Parties shall agree on extending the deadlines for completion of the Work by the duration of the period during which the force majeure event was present. If the event of a force majeure event persists over two (2) calendar months, the Parties may cancel the Contract.

6.    Termination and cancellation of the contract

6.1.        The Contract is concluded without a term or due to the nature of the Service is valid until the performance of the Service.

6.2.        Any Party shall have the right to unilaterally terminate the Contract without stating a reason, notifying the other Party about this in writing at least 30 working days in advance.

6.3.        Dalanta OÜ has the right to terminate the Contract extraordinarily without following the advance notice term in the following cases:
6.3.1 the Client does not pay the invoice within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the payment term at the latest;
6.3.2   the Client has provided incorrect data or failed to notify of changed contact details;

6.3.3.   the person that made an order in the name of the Client has not submitted the data required by law or has submitted false data;

6.4 Upon the cancellation of the Contract the amounts paid to Dalanta OÜ by the Client are not to be returned or set off.

6.5. If the Client is a consumer, then the 14-day right of withdrawal does not apply to the Services, because the Services provided by Dalanta OÜ have individual characteristics and depend on the Client’s preferences.

7.     Registered office address and legal contact person service

7.1 Upon the expiry of the Contract the Client loses the right to use the registered office address and legal contact person service provided by Dalanta OÜ in any way or form.

7.2  The Client is obligated to change the registered office address and legal contact person in the Commercial Register and notify business partners of the change of the address on the day of expiry of the Contract at the latest. If the Client has not changed its registered office address and legal contact person in the Commercial Register within one (1) month from the expiry of the Contract, Dalanta OÜ has the right to submit an application to the Commercial Register for the deletion of the Client’s incorrect details from the Commercial Register and to claim a contractual penalty from the Client in the sum equal to annual fee for the Services.

7.3 Upon expiry of the Contract Dalanta OÜ is released from the obligation to provide Services, including receiving and processing the Client’s mail or other communications.

7.4 Dalanta OÜ has the right to destroy the received mail thirty (30) days after making electronic copies available for the Client.

7.5 Dalanta OÜ total liability for damages arising from providing registered office address and legal contact person service is limited to the amount, which equals the amount of annual Service fee paid by the Client for providing registered office address and legal contact person service.

7.6 Dalanta OÜ does not receive nor forward mailed or courier delivered parcels to its Clients.

7.7 The commencement of registered office address and legal contact person services is dependent on whether the Client successfully completed Know Your Client procedures (hereinafter KYC) in accordance with the Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Prevention Act and article 4.6. of these Terms.

8. Company formation services

8.1 The registration of Estonian limited companies is handled by the Registration department of Tartu County Court in accordance with the law of the Republic of Estonia.

8.2 Dalanta OÜ is not obligated to translate procedural documents or correspondence provided by the Business Register or Registration department of Tartu County Court or any other official documents or correspondence received by the Client, except when it has been agreed to accordingly with the Client.

8.3 The Service fee does not include payment for actions taken for resolving or rectifying the rulings provided by the Registration department of Tartu County Court.

8.4 If the Registration department of Tartu County Cour does not register the company, then it is not deemed a fault of Dalanta OÜ or flaw in the Service and the Client cannot require the compensation of fees paid.

8.5 Dalanta OÜ total liability for damages arising from providing company formation service is limited to the amount paid by the Client for the company formation Service.

9. Placing an order

9.1 Services can be ordered only via the website www.dalanta.ee  by adult users having a valid Estonian digital identity with electronic signature capacity.


9.2 Add the desired products to your shopping basket to order them. Fill in all of the required fields and choose the most suitable shipping method to complete the order. The total cost is then displayed on the screen. This can be paid securely via the following payment methods provided by

  • Estonian bank payments: Swedbank, SEB, Luminor, LHV, Coop Pank, Pocopay, Citadele
  • Latvian bank payments: Swedbank, SEB, Citadele and Luminor
  • Lithuanian bank payments: Swedbank, SEB and Luminor, Šiaulių Bankas
  • Buy now, pay later: Indivy, Indivy 3, Liisi ID, BigBank, Moki3, Mokilizingas
  • Finnish bank payments: Aktia, Ålandsbanken, Danske, Handelsbanken, Nordea, Oma Säästöpankki, OP, POP Pankki, S-Pankki, Säästopankki
  • Card payments: Visa / MasterCard
  • Gift card: Kniks gift card

NB! When using a bank link payment confirm the order and then click on the ‘Return to merchant’ button.

The personal data necessary for the execution of payments is transferred to authorized processor Maksekeskus AS. The contract enters into force when the amount payable is transferred to the bank account of the online store.

If we cannot deliver the ordered services for any other reason, the purchaser will be informed as soon as possible and the money paid will be refunded promptly, but no later than within 14 days of receiving the notification.

9.3 The Service can be ordered on the website by successfully completing the online ordering process, confirming the Service order and making an online payment. To complete an order all the required data fields must be filled in.

9.4 Before Client confirms the Service order the basis for calculating the fees for the Service are displayed and the Client is directed to the selected payment channel.

9.5 The Service contract (hereinafter Contract) between Dalanta OÜ and the Client is deemed concluded by paying for the Services.

9.6 Conclusion of a Contract is confirmed by Dalanta OÜ by sending a confirmation of the order within 24 hours of paying for the Services to the e-mail address provided by the Client. The Contract is deemed concluded in the extent, which corresponds to the Service description provided on Dalanta OÜ’s website, fees displayed and these Terms.
In case of differences between service descriptions provided on the website and these terms, the description of services provided on the website shall prevail.


9.7  If the Contract is concluded for a limited company that is not yet registered with Estonian Business Register (hereinafter Business Register), then the limited company is deemed a party to the Contract from the moment the limited company is registered with Business Register. A natural person who concludes the Contract on behalf of a limited company before it is registered with Business Register shall be liable for performance of the obligations arising from the Contract. The obligations arising from the Contract shall pass to the company from the moment of being registered with the Business Register.


10. The procedure of settling disputes

10.1.       The Parties aim to settle any disputes arising from the Contract by negotiations. If a dispute cannot be settled by negotiations between the Parties, the Parties may have the dispute settled at a county court pursuant to the legislation applicable in the Republic of Estonia.